Recently, I got to reflect my diaspora experiences as a Chinese Indonesian American while I was preparing for a unique interview experience for 'Kabari' (an Indonesian magazine for Indonesian community who live in the U.S). I got to think deeply about the various ways of how the Indonesian diaspora community can give back to the homeland while many of them are not physically living in Indonesia. On the flip side, it makes me think about my-own naturalized citizenship as an American. Having done research in global citizenship complicates my thought process as I realize now that it is much more important to benefit not even just certain countries where one feel belongs too, but also the world. Yet, such a novel and big concept takes centuries to implement. What will be a smaller step for an individual like you and I can do to support a bigger dream that perhaps many of us are longing to accomplish such as world peace or harmony in diversity? Some ideas that come to my mind is to run together in finishing the marathon race of development and self-improvement.
It is a human nature in wanting to compete with one another or even worse comparing ourselves with others. However, isn't better if we compete with ourselves while collaborate with others? Isn't it better if we strive to be the best of ourselves while trying to see others positively despite their differences? I question myself often on how much respect and tolerance that I have for the others who are different? As a human being with many flaws, I find that it is already hard to get along with family members or friends that I know well, let alone if I have to get along with people who are totally different than me. This will require a lot of open-mindedness, tolerance, care, and grace. Can we achieve this together? I would say "Yes" and changing such perspective doesn't require a degree in social justice or human development, but I would say it is require an "Open Heart" to accept one's own strength and weaknesses as much as to embrace others as well. In a marathon, everyone run to compete with one another in order so that one person can be the winner. I wonder whether we can change the rule so that everyone can finish the race and be consider as winners? Why is it society are focusing so much on winning and loosing while in reality such idea creates more enemies than friends, animosity instead of generosity? I don't think that I have the answer yet, but at least I promise to myself not to be too skeptical in my interaction with others. It is a transformation of heart that hopefully with God's grace, I will be able to understand such concept beyond the intellectual level, but also learn how to implement it daily. As for those who happens to read this blog I want to encourage: Let's run together and finish the race as winners together.
Note: I will leave the "How to actually run the race together and win together?" for all of you to interpret and figure out on your own as everyone have their own unique situations and different desires in life.
Interview with KabariNews Links:
Ailin Iwan speaks about Children Education (Part 1)
Ailin Iwan speaks about Children Education (Part 2)
It is a human nature in wanting to compete with one another or even worse comparing ourselves with others. However, isn't better if we compete with ourselves while collaborate with others? Isn't it better if we strive to be the best of ourselves while trying to see others positively despite their differences? I question myself often on how much respect and tolerance that I have for the others who are different? As a human being with many flaws, I find that it is already hard to get along with family members or friends that I know well, let alone if I have to get along with people who are totally different than me. This will require a lot of open-mindedness, tolerance, care, and grace. Can we achieve this together? I would say "Yes" and changing such perspective doesn't require a degree in social justice or human development, but I would say it is require an "Open Heart" to accept one's own strength and weaknesses as much as to embrace others as well. In a marathon, everyone run to compete with one another in order so that one person can be the winner. I wonder whether we can change the rule so that everyone can finish the race and be consider as winners? Why is it society are focusing so much on winning and loosing while in reality such idea creates more enemies than friends, animosity instead of generosity? I don't think that I have the answer yet, but at least I promise to myself not to be too skeptical in my interaction with others. It is a transformation of heart that hopefully with God's grace, I will be able to understand such concept beyond the intellectual level, but also learn how to implement it daily. As for those who happens to read this blog I want to encourage: Let's run together and finish the race as winners together.
Note: I will leave the "How to actually run the race together and win together?" for all of you to interpret and figure out on your own as everyone have their own unique situations and different desires in life.
Interview with KabariNews Links:
Ailin Iwan speaks about Children Education (Part 1)
Ailin Iwan speaks about Children Education (Part 2)