Traveling with Imagination

Ailin @ Palace Cafe, IFC, Hong Kong.
This photo was taken by Kenneth (2010).
I might be considered as a late bloomer to mature and adapting to adults' life. Adults life is so complicated and often times littered with political turmoil and skepticism. This is one of the many reasons I love being around children because they are so simple, energetic, curious, and open. Children give me energy, hope, strength, and inspirations. Children's imagination sparks my own creative thoughts. I like to think that my children's books are an intertwining work between children's interest and my own interest as an adult/educator.
Realizing how books and ideas can influence others (especially young minds), I try to be a responsible author. In the initial writing process, I let all ideas come into paper, free flowing without editing too carefully. In the later development process, I always think about everything from revisiting the conceptual ideas, scripts development, and even the illustration details to ensure that my books will send positive influences to children. In the process of developing my stories, I try to collect feedbacks from other people such as other educators, parents, and of course
children themselves. I am passionate about writing for children because I would like to add colors to their life as much as they have beautifully colors mine.
Dr. Ailin Iwan