Philia Earth Office
(Hong Kong, CNY 2020)
Personal Reflection
1 Peter 4:10 states "Use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God's grace" and I hope to live a life that can lift up to this word. In each season in life, God sends so many wonderful people who have been instrumental in my transformative journey from a curious young girl about finding the meaning and purpose in life into a married career woman who enjoys mothering her bubbly little girl. I am thankful for God's grace, mercy, and guidance to navigate ever challenging life in the 21st Century with the hope that I can use His gifts as a faithful steward who can bless others.
One of my favorite books in school is "GOD is my CEO" as I believe whether I work for other people's company or lead my own company, it is GOD who is the ultimate CEO. I never could dreamt that in 2020, I became a CEO and won an International Business Award (Bronze) for Woman of the Year. I feel excited and honoured, at the same time this new title comes with huge responsibilities and alertness that I should try my very best to use God's gifts as a faithful steward for His kingdom.
My journey as CEO has just started in the midst of global pandemic of covid-19 that has negatively impact many businesses including ours. As a CEO, I don't see myself doing a good job in turning the company into a profitable one in the midst of this global chaos. I believe that God (who is the real CEO) is patiently training me in this new role and there is much room to grow because ultimately Philia Earth is His company. One bible verse that I will try to lift up to is in Matthew 20:26 states "But among you it will be different. Whoever wants to be a leader among you must be your servant."
God is kind to give me the luxury of time (during this down period of business) to complete and publish a long term writing project, a non-fiction book that I edited "Diaspora Experiences in a Global Age: The Complexities of Transnational Migration and Citizenship) in August 7, 2020. I hope the profits from this book royalty can be use to support ministry, help charitable organization, and organize diaspora conferences in the near future. I love reading and writing and plan to use this gift to fundraise for various charitable organizations that can help those who are marginalized in society.
These few years have been challenging for our company as many aspects of our lives have been negatively impacted due to covid-19 global pandemic. Interestingly, however, there is always joy and peace in my heart. This is truly the gift of God. I am thankful to have the chance to spend more time with my husband and my daughter as well as do some part time work and volunteer at church in children ministry. If you happen to need consultation about preschool design, please do not hesitate to contact me and I will be more than happy to help you. I happened to design two kindergartens in 2017 in Macau and in 2018 in Nanjing.
I openly share my work in education, building design, and occasionally update my blogs with the hope that those who encounter my website will gain some insights and benefits from my work and sharing. May our good God who creates Heavens and Earth bless all of us and cover us with His divine protection. I pray for miracles that the covid-19 virus problem can be solved and once again our world can receive divine healings from all the damages that have been caused by it. Luke 1:37 "For with God nothing shall be impossible".
Dr. Ailin Iwan
"God sees our hearts and gives us missions when there is joy in serving Him. He equip us with skills, people, and resources when we have passed the tests that what we do is indeed for His kingdom purposes. God is sovereign and His heavenly wisdom in His words (Bible) can transform our lives and prune our characters. This is the true joy in serving as it is mentioned in Colossians 3:17 "An whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him".
(Ailin: November 26, 2020).
"Living a joyful, beautiful, & purposeful life is truly blessings from above that one cannot take it for granted. While it is important to remember to enjoy everyday blessings and grace of God, we should not loose sights to do our best to contribute in solving problems in society. In the midst of juggling with various responsibilities in our busy lives, have faith that God is training us new things in every single day so that we can acquire
Christ's characters for His kingdom and His glory.
(Ailin: November 26, 2020)
"God loves us unconditionally through Jesus Christ (John 3:16 "For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life"). He creates us and knows us from our mother's womb (Psalm 139), but often He will discipline us whenever our hearts, minds, and actions are not aligning with His words (Hebrews 12:4-12) whether it is conscious or unconscious. Therefore, knowing that God discipline us because He loves us, let us be thankful for His discipline believing that "all things God works for the good of those who love Him and have been called to His purpose" (Romans 8:28).
(Ailin: November 26, 2020)
"Scholars are those unique individuals with curious minds who seek for knowledge and truth, loving hearts for the humanity, and whose inks and words are often sharper than the sharpest swords to dissect right from wrong".
(Ailin: March 5, 2016)
(Ailin: November 26, 2020).
"Living a joyful, beautiful, & purposeful life is truly blessings from above that one cannot take it for granted. While it is important to remember to enjoy everyday blessings and grace of God, we should not loose sights to do our best to contribute in solving problems in society. In the midst of juggling with various responsibilities in our busy lives, have faith that God is training us new things in every single day so that we can acquire
Christ's characters for His kingdom and His glory.
(Ailin: November 26, 2020)
"God loves us unconditionally through Jesus Christ (John 3:16 "For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life"). He creates us and knows us from our mother's womb (Psalm 139), but often He will discipline us whenever our hearts, minds, and actions are not aligning with His words (Hebrews 12:4-12) whether it is conscious or unconscious. Therefore, knowing that God discipline us because He loves us, let us be thankful for His discipline believing that "all things God works for the good of those who love Him and have been called to His purpose" (Romans 8:28).
(Ailin: November 26, 2020)
"Scholars are those unique individuals with curious minds who seek for knowledge and truth, loving hearts for the humanity, and whose inks and words are often sharper than the sharpest swords to dissect right from wrong".
(Ailin: March 5, 2016)
Non Fiction Diaspora Experiences in a Global Age: The Complexity of Transnational Migration and Citizenship Editor: Dr. Ailin Iwan Introduction: Prof. David Hemphill Conclusion: Prof. Wing-Wah Law Children Books Venus The Global Child: Family Nicknames https://www.amazon.co.uk/Venus-Global-Child-Family-Nicknames/dp/1449046754 The Righteous Star (published online) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lwlS8KjO3Wk ON-GOING PROJECTS (BOOKS & RESEARCH) Non-Fiction Books Perfectly Loved in Their Imperfection: Understanding God's Love for Women (Started in 2017: on-going) The Blessings and The Power of Purity (Started in 2018: on-going) Joy in Serving (Started in 2020: on-going) Poetry Books Spiritual Journey: Collection of Poems (Started in 2000: on-going) From Garden of Eden to City of Zion: It is GOD, the Chief Architect (Started in 2019: on-going) |
AWARDS, PRESENTATIONS & INTERVIEWSInternational Business Award (Bronze) for Woman of the Year 2020.
* Ailin receives this award for her role as the founding partner of Philia Earth Limited. (The awards ceremony in Paris was cancelled due to the covid-19 pandemic). Hong Kong Most Outstanding Leaders Award (June 20, 2019) * Ailin represents Philia Earth Limited to receive "Hong Kong Most Outstanding Leaders Award" at Island Shangrilla: https://www.philiaearth.com/awards One Youth Talk Guest Speaker (October, 2014) * Ailin's presentation: "Your research is where your heart belongs" at the Wang Gung Wu Theater, HKU UC Berkeley College of Environmental Design News (September 7, 2012) * Ailin was featured in an article "Arc alum changes career" Interview for Voice of America (August 30, 2012) * Ailin Iwan speaks about changing career life Interview for KabariNews (July 31, 2012): * Ailin Iwan speaks about Children Education (Part 1) * Ailin Iwan speaks about Children Education (Part 2) |